A thruster is a device that is used for long duration, low thrust acceleration in space. Electric thrusters produce much less thrust than chemical rockets but they can produce thrust for longer duration. This makes them suitable for satellites, which use them for minor changes in velocity, orbit, altitude control, etc.

Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

The next question comes to mind is that how would these electric thruster’s work.

An electric thruster (or ionthruster) works by removing the electrons from the propellant atom creating positively charged ions. The most commonly used propella

nt is Xenon because of its inert nature, high atomic mass, and high storage density which makes it easy to store in spacecraft. Krypton and Argon are also sometimes used. So, electrons are bombarded into these propellant atoms, which are neutral, and remove the electrons from these atoms creating positively charged ions.

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Now the gas that is formed after this bombardment of electrons contains an equal number of negatively charged electrons as well as positively charged ions, making the overall charge of the gas neutral. This state of gas is called Plasma. Plasma is a state of matter in which both positive ions and electrons do not combine and remain separated, this is also why plasma conducts electricity.

Let’s see how an electric/ion thruster works. Electric/ion thruster contains a discharge chamber inside of which propellant (Xenon) is ejected through an inlet. Electrons are produced by discharge cathode, which produces electrons by a process called thermionic emission. Thermionic emission is a process in which electrons are released from the atom by the application of heat.

Walls of the discharge chamber are electrically charged with high positive potential which attracts the electrons into the chamber.  Propellant (Xenon), which is neutral, is also supplied inside the chamber. These electrons then collide with neutral propellant atoms making them lose electrons forming positive ions. Magnets are installed on the walls of the discharge chamber which repels the electrons, giving them more time to collide with propellant atoms forming more ions.

credit: Wikipedia

At the end of the discharge chamber, two grids with thousands of precisely aligned holes are installed. The inner grid is positively charged and the outer grid is negatively charged. When electrons come close to the inner grid, they pass through the positively charged inner grid but are repelled by the outer negatively charged grid.

Positive propellant ions are repelled by the inner grid but due to high pressure inside of the discharge chamber, they can pass the inner grid. After that, the negatively charged grid (also called accelerator grid) accelerates the ions and they are discharged with very high velocity, 20 – 50 Km/s, which is very high as compared to chemical rockets (1.7 – 3.2Km/s).

These positive ions which are expelled out of the discharge chamber with very high velocity produce thrust. These positively charged ions can again be drawn back towards the spacecraft which can affect its operations that’s why a neutralizer is installed outside the discharge chamber which throughs an equal number of electrons to neutralize the positive ions.

The technology of electric thrustors may seem like of future but it was first built in 1959 at the NASA Glenn Research Centre facilities. After that many different types of electric thrusters are produced and made efficient over time.

Then the question arises as to why aren’t we using it to propel rockets with this. Well, the thrust produced by electric thrusters is much less    (25–250 mN). Because of this, they are not powerful enough to take a payload to space from Earth. They can however be used for several hours as compared to chemical rockets which are operated for a few minutes. This makes them very useful to use in minor changes in velocity, orbit, altitude control, etc.

These thrusters have very high specific impulse also (2000–5000 s), which is the ratio of thrust produced by the engine to propellant weight flow rate (or mass flow rate). It tells how efficient our engine is.